Monday, March 7, 2011

So Live your life...

Are you living a great story with your life? from Donald Miller on Vimeo.

I finished this wonderful book by Donald Miller called A Million Miles In A Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life a while ago. This Book challenged me and also made me realize things in life. The book talks about a "good story"  and that fear hold us back from living out a good story. We also know, and he point out, that we as humans never hit a full climax with a resolution; we have mini-climaxes in our story building up to another story in our life; the story always moves forward. I want to live a good story so when the credits role people remember me and have good things to say. But I also have to remember that I am just an extra/supporting role charter in the grand scheme of things, in the story of this world. My life is a mini-series i guess and the rest of the movie is History. So I cannot point out my 10secs in the movie and say its about me; no it not about me or you its about Love, God and His Love. So I highly Suggest this book to you and any other Donald Miller Books... I plan to read another one of his books this summer.

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