Monday, April 5, 2010


The Definition:

The Confession:
I am guilty of this wearing a mask or a facade. We all are. Its just part of who we are, we show what we want and hide behind it. We are a product of Western Society and the Victorian Age, all about appearances and moving ahead in the social ladder, rather than being real or even human. We put on our masks and act, like hypocrites. We actually get the word hypocrite from the Greek word for actors, who wore masks while acting. We hide behind our masks and don't show who were we truly are because we believe if people saw us for who we really are they would run, disown, laugh, and abandon us. We dare not show others the us that we only see behind locked doors, in the protection of the dark and the night.We are ugly and broken and NO ONE in their right mind would ever want to be around me and all this ugly baggage we carry. 

The Conviction:
I feel we need to not fake it but be real especially those we love, like friends, family, and significant others. We need to be vulnerable, which is easier said than done. For all those who have been burned while being vulnerable, knows what I am saying, and it is hard you don't want to play with this fire again, and i understand. I am not saying we need to bare all to everyone, show everyone all the skeletons in the closet, but rather share them with those you love and those who love you back. With everyone else be real, be you, not your mask or one of your many masks. Share your true thoughts, feeling, show your True Colors. Those who are True Friends will love on you and be there through it all.

The Contemplation:
This whole time I have been preaching to the choir, and myself. I am an actor, both on and off stage. I am a hypocrite and am working on being real. For I do not want the mask to become me or me to become the mask; I want to be me!We all sometimes think we are Monsters, as the Skillet Song "Monster" states. I just sometimes dream and wonder what the world would be like if we did not just follow this facade and were real and truthful, what the world would look like. If we were real and loved everyone for who they are we would live in a different world, a better world.

I want to leave you with this song and its lyrics. Think about what its saying. Is it True? Is it True of You, Society as a Whole, The World?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Contemplation On The Cross

I want to start this with this song... its words say a lot and is the best way I could think of to start this post. it is called "Deliver Us"

The Cross a symbol of Christianity, of pain, suffering, shame, death, love, and redemption. But most people see the cross everyday, either on clothing, jewelry, or a church but what does this symbol do mean or even do for the world? since we see it everywhere we have become numb to the power it holds, and have replaced the true meaning of the cross with how we feel about it, the people who cling to it and God. When the true meaning of the cross is where God's Grace, Love and Wrath all met, and fell upon His only son. How can we wrap our minds around what that means? Unfortunately we only contemplate this about once a year or twice a year maybe even more, but unlikely. So we can not understand the power of the cross. The perfect Adam, Jesus, was tortured, mocked, and killed so the real Adam, the first Adam, and all his descendants would have to be punished. That is Love and Grace for us while Jesus took the Wrath of God. But this is only one part of the story...

Today on Easter Sunday, or apply named Resurrection Sunday, Jesus Raised from the dead! The God-Man got up and walked out after being dead for two going on three days. Because He conquered Death so can we through him. The best way for me to end this is like i started it, through these songs entitled "The Wonderful Cross" and "How He Loves" enjoy the songs and meditate on them.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Contemplation On Names

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

-Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene ii

Ahhh but have you ever looked up what you name means? Does it fit you well and do you live up to the name? Go ahead open a new tab with this
link and look up the meaning of your first and, if you have one, middle name. SO... What did you learn? Does the name fit you? Do you live up to the name? Were your parents correct in naming you? It is kinda weird and amazing at the same time to think about this. For instance My first name is David, meaning Beloved or Beloved of God from Hebrew and my Middle name Aaron means Bearer of Light again from Hebrew. Wow these are great names to have but can I live up to them and do they fit me? Can I Live up to David, the King of Israel, the one who defeated the giant known as Goliath? He was called a man after God's Own Heart. How can I be that and live up to that name and Aaron who was the first Priest of Israel. Yes, both failed and had flaws for they were human but they also had great faith and were great leaders as well.

And what about nicknames? They almost always have a meaning behind them and almost always fits weather we like them or not. I have had Dave, stage-crafter, Dorito Dave, Hey You and many others. Or what about this question, What do YOU call your self? Human, the name you parents call you, something terrible,something nice, what? What we call ourselves reveals more about who we are and how we feel about ourselves. Sometimes we have a poor perception on ourselves but we are human, broken, and sinful. But we are all unique and beautiful, Made in the image of God.

Now, think about having a name that means "The LORD is Salvation". WOW that is a name that has powerful statement. Now with a name like that how a bout having these names attached to it?
  1. Man of Sorrows
  2. Son of Man
  3. Son Of God
  4. Lion of Judah
  5. The Lamb
  6. Hosanna
  7. Christ, meaning "Anointed One" or "Messiah"
  8. Emanuel
These names are what What Jesus is know as and He has many more names that could be made into a blog itself but that is besides the point.

But how about a name I call my self based off of this name... Christian or Follower of Christ. Christian means "Little Christ" or a Follower of Christ, who is someone that follows what Christ has Taught and Lived and has faith in Christ being the Savoir for sinners, aka all of mankind. Do I live up to this name i call myself? Well that is what I am striving for and struggling to do. I believe all Christians should be doing this and repent when they fall short, for Just because someone is Christian does not mean they are sinless, they are still a practicing sinner who has been forgiven and is struggling to combat the sin. For that reason, I, as well as everyone else, must remember what you are called and what you call yourself as well as its meaning. Then continue to try to live up to it...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Confession Of The Wrongs of The Church

A Pastor once stated, "Christ is love, it's the Christians who are mean." The sad part is Many people believe this. Just look through history or for a matter of fact look at the "Christians" of today.The Church, which is Christ's body, is not functioning properly. She is broken and more like a monster than a healer. As St. Augustine said, "The Church is a whore but she is my mother." The church is not what it should be but with out it many people would not be who they are now.

Therefore, I on behalf of the Church, the Church of God and the Followers of Jesus, would like to apologize. I Would like to apologize for all the wrong the church has done since its birth to today, whether it be intentional or unintentional. I apologize for turning a blind eye to someone in need, the poor, the widows, the orphans, the sick, the elderly, and the oppressed. I apologize for hating those who are different rather than loving them, judging and condemning instead of being light and salt; for Christians are not called to Judge, for that is God's job, but rather be salt and light to the World. I apologize for any "holy" wars and verbal attacks. I apologize for Racial inequality, in the church, as well as the gay bashing and hatred. As well as any personal attacks someone has made against you; for this is not how the body of Christ is supposed to act.

In addition I would like to ask for forgiveness of all the wrongs and sins I have partaken of form the list above. For I have grown up in the church, and I am a Christian. and I apologize for turning a blind eye to someone in need, the poor, the widows, the orphans, the sick, the elderly, and the oppressed. I apologize for hating those who are different rather than loving them, judging and condemning instead of being light and salt; for Christians are not called to Judge, for that is God's job, but rather be salt and light to the World. I apologize for any "holy" wars and verbal attacks I may be a part of. I apologize for Racial inequality and the jokes i have laughed at as well as the gay bashing and jokes. I apologize for any personal attacks I have made against people.