Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Year In Review 2011

In these last days of the year all news channels, websites, papers, and magazines have the year in review looking at all the great happenings, sad tragedies, awe-causing disasters, and everything in between that has come define what this year has been in America as well as around the world. We have the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, The Earthquake in Japan, The Tornado in Joplin, The Shooting of Gabriel Giffords, The Royal Wedding, The Death of Osama, and the list goes on.

This year has been one of great highs and great lows not only on a global level but also on the national level and a personal level for me. I have had some interesting times this year from running my hand into a metal sign and having surgery because of it, I turned 21, I did street ministry, finished reading the bible cover to cover for the first time, I was depressed, I was happy, I went lukewarm, I grew, I loved on people. So much happens in 365 days. it seems like nothing really, another year, another 365, and we have to be reminded of what happened that year because we are so ADD, so self-serving-egocentric-consumers who are wrapped up in ourselves.

We need to stop, relax, look at the world and its pain and live like we are dying, Live simply so others may live.

I have to admit I am guilty as the net person thinking that "I am part of the 99%" when really I am part of the 1% of the World. I am selfish, in my actions, thoughts, and even my spiritual walk. I have to be constantly reminded that I am a Broken Human Being saved by grace and that without God I am nothing deserving Hell.

So that being said I have had a hard year, semester, time in this thing we call life, but I am pressing on; God has pulled me through and yes I need more help than others but i am making it. So as I go into this new year

I am well excited and scared for what is to come,
happy to think of a new year as a blank chapter in a book which I am about to fill,
Blessed by my Lord to have another year,
Trying to live Life and Love

I do have goals for this year and you can read them here,  but I am not going to be crazy over these I am going to do these and enjoy this year.

With that in mind  here is a prayer I wrote this past year which I hope to pray through out this next year:

Dear God, 

Thank you so much for your love and mercy and how you love me even in my sin. May I be moving forward, moving towards you and not backtracking; moving from my old self and the Pharisee I was and am now... May I realize that I deserve Hell everyday and that anything else in this life or next is grace. Your Grace is enough, sufficient and all I need. May you teach me through any road, journey, or school you choose for me. I am wanting to be molded to your will, and the teaching of your son.Please Lord fill me, use me, and allow me to be used to glorify you by doing your work. Thank you for loving me and never giving up on me.


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