Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love, Life, and Lost in a Land

Love life and Lost in a Land... it kinda sound like a book title, i would read a book with this title but hey to my knowledge this is just how to explain the happenings of my brain:

Well this month is the "month of  love" with Valentine's day in it and all. all the flower companies, card companies, chocolate companies, and stuffed animal companies all put out red, white and pink things that are overpriced to buy so you tell someone you love them. It is a good idea but shouldn't we be doing this everyday, the loving on people and caring about them not just buying things for them? Why most one day be celebrated in honor of Love? Love should be celebrated everyday, hour and minute you and I am alive. Love is one human emotion that is very hard to explain because in different contexts the word has a different context. The Greeks actually have four words our one word of Love. and i really want to stay away from all the cliché sayings like "what the world need now is love, sweet love," "give a little bit of your love...,"  or "All you need is Love" but we all need love, real love. Once again may I recite  just have to say is LOVE: Love God, Love Others. (Matt. 22:34-40)

Life is full of decisions and forks in the road.unfortunately the road moves under you whether or not you choose to move it moves for you. So as you move done the road be proactive in life, take life by the horns. Donald Miller wrote in A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, “Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.” Do not let fear or indecisiveness rule your life. Go live in God's creation and do something, anything, with in reason, that is pleasing to God. Make a decision, learn from it, rinse, lather and then repeat. Please do not sit on your but and watch the world, along with your world go by. Life is what you make of it but also remember that you have to rely on Him to make it through it.

Lost in a Land:
Technically its a flatland named Ohio. Last week I felt moody like a girl which was, mainly due to sleep deprivation I had. But right now I am dealing with some major issues, choices, and thoughts in my head right now. Depending on what happens this semester is what will be happening for the rest of my life. Someone said, this past summer, that this year would help define who I am for the rest of my life and thus far the statement has held true. I need to make some tough decisions in the next couple of weeks, Right now I am keeping my options open and trying to live out the two principles I laid out early in the post the "Love God , Love Others" idea and the Live life and just do something. Its hard and I am Trying which is all I can do. I am a Human Forgiven and Saved by Grace, trying and striving to Live like Christ. 

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