Sunday, January 16, 2011

A 21st Birthday Tale

So today was, is my birthday, and i really didn't think about it too much because well its a birthday and no one really makes a big deal about birthdays anymore for me, nor do I make it an advertised thing.... Facebook did that.

I don't know about anyone else but birthdays and holidays have lost their childhood magic, the joy and mystery and the power of these days. So anyways I got sung to and got candles and said happy birthday to like 8 others who i share my birthday with. But i am sure everyone wonders what was my first drink? Well, I go to a "Christ Centered" University (aka Christian College) and therefore am not allowed to drink. Therefore I went to a friends house and had a pancake dinner and received a bottle of Sparkling White Grape Juice. the only alcohol I'm having tonight is NyQuil if I feel sick.

So Life on campus keeps moving forward and we just live it. Nothing really changes just the number of years you have lived. As i am getting older i am learning life is shorter than I thought. At a dinner playhouse they say "Life's short, start with dessert." they are right Life is short its a vapor in the grand scheme of time and all other things. Life is short so love is what I say, dessert is nice but love is better. So back to the theme of my life thus far,: "Love God, Love Others".

So I am finishing up the Bible and praying daily. I am just learning to live day by day and not worry about it too much, because I have God on my side. I need to actively work at life but God cares and works all thing s for good. Wow I got off track. Sorry about that my mind is all over the place. But When we celebrate life during birthdays and weddings we also have to remember part of life is death. Death can come at anytime for any reason. So I guess what I am saying is best said through song, because i'm a music major and not a writer.

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