Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just Because....

Normally when I start a post i have an idea or "outline" of how i want the post to go but sometimes the words come off my finger tips and don't follow exactly what i want them to say. But this is not a normal post this is a post I plan on just free writing, which I am doing right now. I am just writing not thinking, like they made me do in school in middle and high school mostly the teacher would set a timer and we could write anything we just had to write so i am just going to set a timer now for ten minutes and the following will be what comes out::

in 3....2.....1..... GO!

So I have been struggling in school recently not because the actual school work but because of the amount of work i have to do for the winter musical "Hello Dolly" its taking over and killing my life. I told a friend recently "I Know Dolly was a lot of things but I didn't know she was a blood sucking vampire" she laughed... but anyways I been going on a music binge of Pink mainly Raise your glass, so what, and F***ing Perfect (clean edit). I know what is a music major doing listening to a pop artist.... well to answer that question I say because i like the music, even if it isn't well written, the lyrics are good and speak to me. I just understand to a point of these lyrics because well they are true for most people. Pink talks about herself and just opens up and laughs at herself and I respect that. But anyways my musical taste change frequently and I tend to just go with the flow of what I am feeling. Before pink was symphonic metal bands. But to appease my eclectic tastes in music I put my i-Pod on shuffle and just listen skipping as few of the songs as I can, but some I cannot deal with at the time being. but anyways, wow I say that a lot, I was talking with my RD and had a great conversation about life, improvements character traits, books, and Hebrew, because I want a tattoo of "forgiven" in Biblical Hebrew. I am thinking of it as a white ink tattoo on my wrist or maybe a black ink tattoo on my bicep. I don't know, if i do get one it wont be till I graduate or a little before it, as a gift to myself. This idea for a tattoo has a lot of meaning for me and will be a constant reminder of well a lot, I might explain on a later date.

On a totally different note i have a lunch date and a coffee date on Wednesday back to back. The lunch date is with someone I am kinda sorta mentoring but not really and the coffee date is with the dean of student life programs. Its cool, he's cool, and I am looking forward to it. I need to finish reading my Donald Miller book; its sad I haven't finished it yet most likely because of Dolly. Wow, I am ADD in my writing and thinking....o well there goes the alarm so I am done..  I will now go back and fix any typos that occurred so you grammar/spelling/writers/critics will not bite my head off.

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