Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Limelight of Backstage

Being in the performing arts (majoring in music and minoring in theatre) I know the joys of being up on stage in the limelight. So since I was little I liked being the center of attention and the limelight was one way to be the center, in everyone's view, getting attention. And I have to admit that i still do love that limelight, we all do. We want some attention, some more than others, but we all want it. I wanted to grow up and be in show biz, either in Hollywood or on Broadway. Hey, a guy can have dreams, mine were being an actor.

But as time has gone on I have seen and been apart of the behind the scenes stuff; the stuff that makes the show actually go on. Not only in the performing arts but also in life. Just helping setting up, tearing down, cleaning up and just helping in easy ways to make whatever happened, will happen, or happening run smoothly. I have enjoyed helping whenever however possible. Its great seeing something come together by the hands of others as well as your own and getting little to no credit.

I enjoy helping others and caring for them; in my dorm i am a jack  of many trades. I am the masseuse, mom, dad, confidant, advice giver, guru, shoulder to lean on, hear to listen, and whatever else is needed. No i am not the RA or anything i am just wanting to be helpful. 

OK, so this started off as why you should not always take the limelight of center stage and has ended up with me taking center stage on backstage stuff... which goes to show we all like to be recognized and like being center of attention. Thus proving its harder than you think, and sometimes you just i don't know are selfish.

This post is very much about me and i guess i have more to work on in my life but I have been learning that sometimes doing work and not getting credit or doing work backstage is better... 

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